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I want you for Chorus Breviarii!
Would you like to join Chorus Breviarii? All men of good will are welcome to join us at rehearsal and learn how to sing Gregorian Chant. It is easy and no previous musical knowledge is assumed. Interested men will also be able to learn the movements and duties at certain ceremonies, including Vespers, Compline, and the Holy Mass. Even outside the Mass, we need men with us willing to serve as acolytes, torchbearers, thurfier, and MC.

We generally meet on Thursdays after the 1830 (6:30 P.M.) Mass at Holy Martyrs Catholic Church in Murrieta. Please contact us beforehand to confirm the location of practice.

Although only Catholic males are allowed to perform liturgically and to sing in the sanctuary, all others are invited to sing antiphonally from, depending on the location of the service, the choir loft or the pews. A black binder to hold the magnum printouts of services is recommended for all members singing in the sanctuary, purchasing of which should be of very little trouble. The magnum printouts help to remove any difficulties in reading the notes and text in the Liber Usualis or Liber Brevior. If you are unable to print anything yourself, you may ask another member whether he is able to print an extra. As soon as you can, you should acquire a copy of the Liber Usualis, which is the most complete collection of chants for the Mass and the Office. The edition compatible with the 1962 Missal and Breviary is available here.

You will also need a cassock and cotta (a.k.a surplice) to be used during services.

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